Con este vídeo los niños podrán aprender los colores en español, se aprenden con lindas canciones y sonidos que ayudaran a los niños a memorizar los colores, también aprenderán a reconocer diferentes palabras de su entorno. La cancion de los colores en inglés y español, Rojo is Red, Azul is Blue, Amarillo is Yellow, Blanco is White. Todos lo colores cantados en ingles y español


Rojo is Red,

Verde is Green,

 Azul is Blue,


Café is Brown

Rosado is Pink

 Amarillo is Yellow,


Negro is Black

Blanco is White.

Morado is Purple


↠ BOOK ↞ 

The rabbits.

There was a rabbit mom who had a lot of bunnies. They were all very white. And also, as all the children were very playful and a little crazy. So they were always playing in the field.
But one day the whole landscape appeared also white. It had snowed! And the rabbit mother, when she went to look for her little ones she could not find them because they were white, they were confused with the snow.
Then he went to look for paintings and painted his bunnies of all colors. Now he could easily see them playing in the white snow!
Everything went well until one day, looking at the field, he could not find his beloved bunnies again. Spring had arrived in all its splendid color! Then he called his children and one by one washed them and left them again their natural color, white.
Now he could watch them quietly as they ran through the flowery field. I was very happy.
Until one day, after time ... it snowed again ... and this story begins again .



El objetivo es entretener y enseñar valores y talentos a nuestros pequeños espectadores.


Playing with the monkey,
I leraned how to count,
Easy,It,s really easy,
Let,s start right now,
One, two,three,four,five,
Quite simple is,
Come and sing wiht me!
Playing with the monkey,
I leraned how to count,
Let,s do it again,
But now uo to ten,
six,seven,eight,nine and ten
six,seven,eight,nine and ten,
You did it well
you well are to count to ten,
You did it well
you well are to count to ten,

↠ BOOK ↞

1,2,3,4,5 Friends

Once upon a time there were five little friends who had been invited to the big party of numbers.
They were number 1, number 2, number 3, number 4 and number 5.
Everyone was very happy to go and enjoy the celebration, the number Two went running because he liked to dance and to eat.
Number three walked slowly like a centipede, saying: I am important, without me the party does not begin! Suddenly, without anyone noticing, the number one on pinpoints Was very quiet.
Then the number four came crawling like a cat. And the number five jumping with joy said: Now let's all dance! And so all the friends 1,2,3,4,5 danced and danced And they never got tired



Bailar como lo hacen los animale, con esta canción se trata que lo niños estén activos "Vamos a ir al zoológico", Pisa fuerte como elefantes, saltar como canguros, swing como monos, camine como pingüinos, deslizarse como serpientes, y nadar como los osos polares!


Stomp like elephants! 
Let's go to the zoo. 
And stomp like the elephants do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.

[Stomp around the room like elephants.]

Jump like kangaroos. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.

[Jump around the room like kangaroos.]

Swing like monkeys. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.

[Swing around the room like monkeys.]

Waddle like penguins. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.

[Waddle around the room like penguins.]

Slither like snakes. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.

[Slither around the room like snakes.]

Swim like polar bears. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.

[Swim around the room like polar bears.]

Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do. 
Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do.

↠  BOOK ↞ 

Day at the zoo.

Finally the day has come! Tina and Leo are very excited because they go on a field trip with all their classmates. Throughout the week they have explained that they are going to see animals from different parts of the world. So this morning they have had a good breakfast and they have prepared their backpacks with sandwiches and fruit and they have taken the bus. But instead of going to school ... they have arrived at the zoo. Tomás, his teacher, has told them to hold hands in pairs and not to be separated from him. First they saw the monkeys. They did not stand still! They played, jumped ... Then they paid a visit to the seals. How funny they were with their huge mustaches! Thomas gave them small fish so they could feed them. They have also been very close to two huge giraffes and a family of dromedaries. Then they all sat on the grass to eat their sandwiches. Already back, Mom and Dad were waiting for them at the bus stop. "We really liked the zoo!" Tina and Leo shouted at them. Then Mom and Dad have given them a gift package. "We have a surprise for you," said Mom. Tina and Leo have opened their packages. Animal books! "So you can see again when you want the animals that you have known this morning," Mama explained.


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