Resultado de imagen de the colour monster

↠ Vídeo ↞ 


This is my friend the colour monster.

    Today he’s all mixed up and very confused.

He doesn´t know why.

Look at you, you’re all over the place!

That’s because your feelings are all stirred together,

So your colours are too.

I know! Let’s put each feeling

in a different jar so we can look at it

more closely. I can help if you like.


This is happiness.

It shines yellow like the sun

and twinkles like the stars.

You feel bright and light. You laugh, you jump,

you dance! You want to share that feeling with everyone.


This is sadness.

It’s gentle like a blue rainy day.

Sadness can make you cry.

It can make you feel alone.

But if you’re sad, I’ll hold your hand.


This is anger.

It blazes red like fire.

Anger can make you want to stomp and Rooooooaaaaaaarrr!

and shout, “It’s not fair!”


This is fear.

It is black like the night and hides

in shadows like a scaredy cat.

Being afraid can make you feel very small

and alone.

If you’re scared, tell me why

and we’ll walk through the forest together.


This is calm.

It’s quiet like the trees

and soft like their leaves.

Now you’re calm,

You breath slowly and deeply.

Ahhhhhhh! You feel at peace.

There,we’ve finished!

Here are your feelings.

Let’s look at them together.

But what’s this?

You look different, Colour Monster

Er…how do you feel now?

The story of a sweet little monster who wants help from his friend to understan the feelings he experiences. On each spread is a vibrant and striking pop-up that conjures up feelings and emotions connected to different colours: black, yellow, red and green.

↠ Activites ↞ 

Resultado de imagen de the colour monster activities

Resultado de imagen de the colour monster activities


Anna Llenas

Ilustradora, Diseñadora Gráfica 
Directora de Arte

Formación Académica:

Licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 2000
Máster en Arte-Terapia. Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. 2015
Diplomada en Diseño Gráfico por la Escola Llotja de Barcelona. 2002
Formada en Postgrado de Ilustración Creativa por la Escola Eina de Barcelona. 2009
Experiencia profesional:

Actualmente trabaja como Autora e Ilustradora de libros y como Arte-terapeuta.
Creación de Marca propia y línea de productos: AnnaLlenas® 2008
Directora Creativa en Publicis Casadevall & Pedreño. 2002-2008
Directora de Arte en Bassat Ogilvy & Mather. 2001-2002
Diseñadora Gráfica en Next Barcelona. 2000-2001
Ha trabajado para clientes como: La Vanguardia, Cruïlla, grupo SM, Dodot, Buitoni, Nestlé, La Caixa, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, Trina, Schweppes, Puma, Cruzcampo, Roca, Diario de Granada, Fira de Barcelona, Colacao, Tefal, Lindt, Rowenta, MACBA...

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